21 May 2009

The La Vista GAR Memorial and Civil War soldiers

There is a Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Memorial at La Vista Memorial Park, just east of the office building and just west of the entrance road. The memorial stone is:

I took this photo, and the one below, on 12 November 2008, just after Veterans Day. The photo below shows small flags placed on the stones in the GAR Bivouac area:

I went back to La Vista and took photographs of each of the stones in this area. They are:

F.H. Reckel
Co. K.
113 Ill. Inf.

John C. Darville
11 Ill. Cav.

J.W. Heath
Co. E.
10 Minn. Inf.


Julius N.



Pvt. 1 Cl., 17 Inf.

October 23, 1913



Francis T. Moore

Co. L.

2 Ill. Cav.


Johnston Winters

Co. B

102 Ohio Inf.

There is an upright stone in this area with a Civil War veteran:

Rev. T.R. Palmer, D.D.
Lt. Col. 13th Mich. Vol. Inf.
Dec. 6, 1829
July 2, 1920

1 comment:

Judith Richards Shubert said...

I enjoyed this view of the La Vista Memorial and the different photos of these veterans' memorials. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our soldiers all over the world and to all of our ancestors who were involved with wars whereever they were.